Page name: Nami, and the Seven Knights Rp area [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-09-14 20:04:09
Last author: Sonya Blue
Owner: Sonya Blue
# of watchers: 7
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Nami, and the Seven Knights

Nami is being held prisoner in Jin's castle, he plans to kill her the moment she signs her late husbands kingdom over to him, he has not yet told her her husband is dead, but plans to do so soon.
The four remaining knights sent to rescue Nami are just outside the palace, trying to figure out how to rescue her before she signs over the kingdom
We are jumping ahead a few months now. Nami has been rescued, and has also found out that her unborn children are not her husbands, but are Jin's. They have not made it back to Nami's palace yet, due to the fact that things keep happening, either Jin catches up to them, and they have to hide, for Nami's safety, or Jin has sent someone after them to slow them down.


Raidon went off to go face Jin alone. Raidon died in the fight, and some believe Jin is dead as well, but he really isn't. Nami doesn't believe Jin is dead because his body was never found. About a month after she buried her husband, she found out that she was pregnant again, and soon gave birth to Vera, the daughter of Raidon, and the true heir to his throne. The kindom of Nightfell is still on guard, waiting for Jin's attack.
3 years later Vera, Amallia and Azhemin are three years old, and are currently learning to control their abilities. Nami has given each of the Knights that helped her and her children get to the castle safely their own land in the kingdom, and also lead their own groups of knights on patrols, looking for signs of Jin, or his wife, or his followers.
Nami has also allowed Morganis to stay in the castle, It took Nami almost a year to move on after the death of Raidon, the pain of losing him a second time proved to be more than she could handle for a long time. Morganis helped her the whole way. And now they are together...

Nami, and the seven knights *Jin's Castle*-Where Jin, and followers of jin can

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2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: Nami woke several hours later

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis was aleady awake, used to short ammounts of sleep, he'd been gazing at his scars, naked in front of the mirror.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: Nami opened her eyes and looked up at the celing

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis sighed and traced his fingers along the scars.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: She sighed, than sat up, and looked around the room

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis sighed and finally got dressed in some clean clothing provided for him.

Raidon was asleep in some dusty dank alley.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: She eventually stood up, walking towards a desk that was covered in papers "..."

Kia was outside of the castle

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon was still asleep.

Morganis began to roam the halls.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: Most of the papers were in her husbands handwriting "..." she looked towards the window and sighed

Kia walked out into the city

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon began to snore.

Morganis sighed and passed the queens door, stopping.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: She walked towards the window, and looked outside

Kia continued to walk through the city

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon finally awoke and walked around town.

Morganis knocked on the door.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: Nami looked towards the door "...Yes?"

Kia stopped looking around

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled. "It's me."

Raidon grunted as he walked down the street, filthy and dirty.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: She sighed, walking towards the door, and opening it whens he got to it

Kia noticed a very dirty man walking down the street, he looked kind of familiar, but he was too far away for her to tell who he was "..."

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled. "Sleep well?"

Raidon grew closer and closer to Kia.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded "Did you?"

Kia continued to watch the dirty man "..."

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled. "For the first time in a bed...yes."

Raidon walked passed her finally looking around...for his wife.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: Kia realized who he was, the second he walked by her "King Raidon?!"

She smiled a little, and nodded "Good..."

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon stopped and blinked. "Why does everyone keep calling me that? I'm no king.."

Morganis smiled. "Hungry?"

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: Kia blinked "Yes you are, You are the king!"

Nami shook her head "One of the maids brought me breakfast earlier..." There was a tray of food next to the papers on the desk. "The didn't bring you anything to eat?"

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon shook his head. "You must have me confused, m'lady." he'd nod, walking off.

Morganis frowned. "I told them no, that I'd...cook for you..." he'd sigh. "They didn't however..tell me they brought you food."

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: Kia followed him "I can prove it!"

She smiled a little "Different maids bring the different rooms their food, you and I, we have different maids..."

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon sighed. "Fine..." he'd say, annoyed.

Morganis frowned. "CAn I cook lunch for you then?"

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: Kia smiled "Please, follow me!"

Nami smiled "We'll see..."

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon nodded and followed.

Morganis smiled. "HAve you fed them yet?"

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: She shook her head "I just woke up, but I'm sure one of the maids are doing that as well...Here in the castle, babies are bottle fed, most of the time..."

Kia led him towards the castle

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis chuckled. "Oh darn, that close to getting flashed." he'd tease.

Raidon followed, slightly annoyed.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: She rolled her eyes, and walked past him, out of the room "Perv..."

Kia led him inside the castle, she stopped one of the maids "Please, go find the Queen..."

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled and followed. "What? It was a joke." he'd say.

Raidon sighed.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: Nami laughed a little "You are still a perv..." She continued walking

The maid ran down the hall, until she found Nami "My queen, Lady Kia is downstairs, she asked me to come find you!"

Kia looked back at Raidon

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled. "Yet you still harber feelings for me." he'd whisper in her ear, so only she could hear.

Raidon rolled his eyes.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: Nami nodded to the maid "I'll be right down" She looked to Morganis "Morganis, I do have feelings, but they are unclear to me at right now, Things are complicated and very difficult at the moment..." She began walking again

Kia sighed, waiting on Nami

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis followed and nodded. "That's fine with me." he'd smile.

Raidon sighed.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: Nami walked down some stairs, which led to the room where Kia was waiting with Raidon

Kia looked up to Nami "There she is..."

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon blinked. "I don't know her." he'd shrug.

Morganis stayed beside her.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: Nami looked to the man next to Kia, and her eyes went wide "Raidon?"

Kia sighed "Well, she recognizes you, and, she'll be able to prove it to you..."

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon blinked. "Who...are you?" he'd ask.

Morganis got to one knee, bowing. "My king."

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: She walked the rest of the way down the stairs, to him "I'm your wife!"

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon sighed. "Sorry, but I do not recognize you, ma'am. I'm no king..."

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: "Yes you are, and a good one at that!" She reached for his hand "I can prove that we are married Raidon...If you'll let me show you..."

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon rolled his eyes. "What ever tickles your fancy."

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: Nami took into the next room, which was full of paintings, of Raidon's ancestors, past kings and queens, she pointed to one in particular which was a painting of Raidon and Nami together, it looked like a picture of them at their wedding. She looked at him, with a saddened expression on her face "Please remember..."

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon tried looked so much like him. "ARe you sure..I do'nt have a twin?"

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded "I am sure, You have a brother, but he is only your half brother..."

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon nodded. "I'm sorry ma'am. I do'nt remember.."

Morganis sighed.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: "Please try...I.." She looked down

Kia looked towards Morganis

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon cupped her chin. "I'm trying."

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: She looked up at him "..."

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon sighed. "It's okay ma'am."

Morganis frowned and walked off.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: She shook her head "Not ma'am, Nami..."

Kia went after Morganis

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis continued to walk off.

Raidon tried to remember. "Nami..."

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: She smiled, and nodded

Kia sighed "Morganis..."

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis looked back. "Yeah?"

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon sighed. "I think I remember...a bit."

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: she walked up next to him "you alright?"

Nami was still looking up at Raidon

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis shrugged. "I'll be fine."

Raidon sighed. "It might take some time.."

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: Kia nodded "Im sorry..."

Nami looked back down and nodded

2010-08-14 [DragonicTunes]: A servant ran upstairs looking for Nami, "M'lady, M'lady! Someone's here for you!"

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: Nami heard someone calling for her "..."

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: Nami left Raidon to think, and went to find the servant

2010-08-15 [DragonicTunes]: When the servant found her they were out of breath, "M'lady...! Someone pretty important is here, he's downstairs talking to lord Solidor right now"

2010-08-15 [Sonya Blue]: Nami blinked "who is it?"

2010-08-15 [DragonicTunes]: "Lord Cortez, I can't believe he came here alone"

2010-08-15 [Sonya Blue]: Nami nodded "Thank you..." She headed down stairs

2010-08-15 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis sighed and nodded. "It's okay..."

Raidon sighed and leaned against the wall floppping to the floor.

2010-08-15 [Sonya Blue]: The servant that was still in the room with him, watched him "Sir...Do you want me to show you to your room, so that you can get cleaned up?"

2010-08-15 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon blinked. "I...have a room?" he'd ask, still doubting he was a king.

2010-08-15 [Sonya Blue]: The servant blinked and nodded "Yes...You are the king, why wouldn't you have one?"

Kia sighed softly, not believing he was okay

2010-08-15 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon gave up, hey. If they thought he ewas king, why not take advantage of it? Nodding softly he'd sigh and follow the servant.

Morganis continued to walk off. The King had returned....he knew, or at least thought Nami wanted to be with the one she married, the one she knew she loved now that he was back...and alive. He'd remain there, but not sooo close to the Queen, it hurt him, it pained his heart.

2010-08-15 [Sonya Blue]: The servant lead him up to his room

Nami had turned, and went for the nursery, being stopped by one of the nanny's and being told that Amallia was flipping out, and nobody could get her to calm down

Kia stopped, watching him walk away

2010-08-15 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon went inside and looked around, seeing a few photos of himself, pictures of Nami....and pictures of them together. Sighing soflty he went to get cleaned up.

Morganis sighed ane exited the castle, to walk around the kingdom.

2010-08-15 [Sonya Blue]: Nami walked by the room quickly, not noticing that Raidon had gone in there, and went opened the door to the nursery a few doors down, she yelped as lightning struck at her feet "..."

2010-08-15 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis heard the yelp and was already on his way there. And within two minutes flat her was there, pulling Nami back holding her against his complete accident of course, breathing heavily. "You...okay?" he'd pant.

2010-08-15 [Sonya Blue]: She blinked and nodded "I'm fine It just startled me a bit"

Amallia was still in her crib, wailing, the only nanny in the room was hiding in the corner, and Arya was trying to calm her down

2010-08-15 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled and let her go. Stepping into the room he'd smile. "Might I try?"

2010-08-15 [Sonya Blue]: Arya looked over at Morganis "please!" She stepped back from the crib

Nami walked into the room

2010-08-15 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled and stepped up to the crib. Picking Amallia up he'd smile and rocked her back and forth, singing her a soft hyme.

2010-08-15 [Sonya Blue]: Amallia fussed for a moment, then calmed down the moment he started to sing

Arya sighed, watching them. She looked walked over to the nanny, who had gotten brave enough to come out of her little corner

Nami watched, smiling

2010-08-15 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled and continued to sing to her, watching Azhemin who seemed to be staring up at him curiously. So he smiled at him and looked to Nami, with a noticable blush, winking at her.

2010-08-15 [Sonya Blue]: Amallia quickly fell asleep

Nami walked over, and looked down at Azhemin

2010-08-15 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled and stopped singing, placing Amallia back down in her crib.

Azhemin looked up at his mother and smiled sweetly.

2010-08-15 [Sonya Blue]: Nami smiled back at him, then looked to Morganis "Thank you"

2010-08-15 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled and nodded. "Anytime my queen." he'd whisper.

2010-08-15 [Sonya Blue]: She smiled back

Arya sighed "How did you do that?"

2010-08-15 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis looked to her. "Be able to calm them down? I um...I dunno. Maybe they see me as their well...father since you know...I was the only male there.."

2010-08-15 [Sonya Blue]: Nami left the room, and stood in the hall

Arya nodded slightly

2010-08-15 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis watched Nami leave, then frowned.

2010-08-15 [Sonya Blue]: Arya watched Nami leave too "Morganis..."

Nami walked towards her room, looking at the ground as she walked

2010-08-15 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis looked toward her. "I know....she has Raidon..."

2010-08-15 [Sonya Blue]: Arya sighed and shook her head "Not what I was going to say..."

2010-08-15 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis looked down. "'s what I've been trying to convince myself."

2010-08-15 [Sonya Blue]: She walked up to him "I did warn you though..."

2010-08-15 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis looked down and nodded. "Yeah I know.." he'd say walking off.

Raidon stepped out of the bathroom and got dressed.

2010-08-15 [Sonya Blue]: Arya sighed

Nami walked into the room, she stopped when she saw Raidon

2010-08-15 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon finished getting dressed and looked to Nami and blinked. "S..sorry, did yoiu need to get changed?" he'd ask turning around.

2010-08-16 [Sonya Blue]: She shook her head "No..."

2010-08-16 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon nodded.

Morganis continued to walk off, to leave the kingdom and explore the village outside.

2010-08-16 [Sonya Blue]: She didn't move from the door way "How are you?"

2010-08-16 [Sonya Blue]: Kia was already out in the village

2010-08-16 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon shrugged. "Dunno, alive I guess"

2010-08-16 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded "I'm glad..."

Kia continued wandering the village, occasionally stopping to talk to random people

2010-08-16 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis strolled through the village.

Raidon smiled. "I...I'm remembering a bit. "W...we're together right, you're just not my sister?"

2010-08-16 [Sonya Blue]: She smiled and nodded "I'm your wife."

Kia didn't notice Morganis, she just continued to talk to people.

2010-08-16 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon smiled. "So you're not my sister." he'd dsay in relief.

Morganis just strolled around.

2010-08-16 [Sonya Blue]: She took a step towards him "No, I am not your sister.."

Kia started walking again, she was just ahead of Morganis

2010-08-16 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon sighed and held her. " we have kids?"

Morganis took a left and headed in that direction.

2010-08-16 [Sonya Blue]: She took a deep breath, and shook her head "You don't..." She looked down again, a sad expression on her face.

Kia continued to walk

2010-08-16 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon blinked. "Eh?"

2010-08-16 [Sonya Blue]: She sat down on the bed "I don't know how much you remember, But I guess I should start at the beginning..." She looked at him, the same expression still on her face

2010-08-16 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon nodded. [She gonna mentoin her small...feelings for Morganis too?]

2010-08-16 [Sonya Blue]: []

"You know we are at war right now...With your brother, Jin...Well before he started a war, I became pregnant, with what I believed to be your children, Since you were the only person I had ever been with." She sighed "A close friend of mine, who was a slave of your brothers, made a potion for him, which made him look, and sound like you, I honestly thought he was you...Then Jin started the war, he kidnapped me, and told everyone that he killed you, I found out soon after I was rescued that Jin had tricked me, and the children did not belong to you..."

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon frowned. He didn't know what to think....

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: "I honestly thought he was you..."

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon nodded. "So tell me more about" he'd ask.

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: "He was forced to make the potion, before he met me...He ran was was almost killed, and he admitted to everything...He has been forgiven, and has promised to help take care of the children. It's thanks to him I was able to make it back here safely."

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon smiled softly and nodded.

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: Nami looked back at him, and smiled a little

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [STill awake at this hour?!]

RAidon smiled. "He's a good man, yes?"

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: [for a little bit, until i get kicked]

She nodded a little "Yes..."

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon smiled and kissed her, trying to see if he truly loved her.

Morganis continued to explore teh village.

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: Nami blinked, and kissed him back

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon couldn't feel love, he only felt lust so he pulled back and smiled anyway.

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: She looked at him "You still don't remember much...Do you?"

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon shook his head.

Morganis exited the village.

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded slightly, and looked down towards the ground

Kia noticed Morganis ".." Where is he going...?

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon sighed. "sorry, but all I felt was lust..."

Morganis sighed and contniued on.

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: She sighed, still looking down "You cant feel anything for someone, when you don't remember the important things..."

Kia followed him

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon nodded. "I understand."

Morganis stopped at a tree and leaned against it.

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: She didn't look up, she looked like she was thinking real hard about something

Kia caught up with him

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon frowned. "Something wrong?"

Morganis was thinking deeply about leaving, but there was a downside...the children, since the moment he saw their eyes open, he'd fallen deeply for them, like a father. They would cry, they would scream, they would bitch, and his soothing voice would'nt be calm them down.

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: "Just trying to figure out how to help you..." She looked up at him

Kia stopped, a few feet from him "Are you leaving?"

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon nodded.

Morganis looked to her. "I...don't think I can...the kids..."

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: "What exactly do you remember?"

She nodded slightly "Then why don't you come back?"

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon shrugged. "I..just remember your face, that's all...not that we're married, not that we're in love..."

Morganis shrugged. ""

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded "I guess it will take some time...For your memory to come back. Maybe being here, and around the people you used to know will help you" she stood up

Kia sighed "You love her...Don't you?"

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon smiled. "I hope so."

Morganis nodded. "With all my heart."

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: She smiled back "I must go check on my children, I need to make sure Amallia hasn't electrocuted anyone..." She started to walk for the door

Kia nodded "Thats what I thought..."

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: RAidon nodded and sat on the bed.

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis sighed. "See why I'm at a crossroad?"

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: Nami exited the room and sighed

Kia sighed "Maybe you shouldn't give up...The king does not remember anything about her, How they met, how or when they were married, or even that they were in love..."

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon remaiend there.

Morganis sighed. "You're right.." he'd say pushing off the tree and hugging her. "Thanks." he'd say, then walked back to the village to get to the kingdom.

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: Nami opened the door, seeing that both children were sound asleep, she closed the door and continued down the hall, silently

Kia hugged him back and then followed him "Your welcome..."

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis entered the kingdom once more, to seek the queen out.

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: Nami had walked down the stairs, and into the main room of the castle

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis entered the main room and saw her, a soft smile pushign along the corners of his lips.

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: Nami didn't notice him when he walked in, she sat down at one of the tables, and buried her face into her arms

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis frowned when he saw her. So he just stood back for a moment, to see what would happen.

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: Nami just sat there, her face still buried

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis frowned and walked up to her, standing behind her, he'd place a hand on her shoulder and rubbed it, doing the same thing now with the other, rubbing both.

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: Nami jumped when Morganis touched her, she sat up quickly, wiping her face off, and then looking at him "..."

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled. "Shhh." he'd smile and continued to rub her shoulders. "Just relax."

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: Nami sat there looking at him for a moment, then stood up and hugged him, burying her face in his shoulder

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis placed his arms around her waist and held her close. "Shh, it's okay. I'm here Nami..." he'd whisper into her ear.

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: Nami stayed silent, still hugging him, when she finally pulled back her face was a little puffy, and red, she looked down at the ground

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis cupped her chin and lifted it up. "What's wrong?"

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: "He doesn't remember..."

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis sighed. He didn't know what to do, so he just held her. Just kiss her you idiot! he'd shout mentally to himself.

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: She looked back down, and sighed

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis gave into his thoughts and recupped her chin, kissing her passionately on the lips.

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: [so, has Jin not realized that Nami is gone yet? lol]

Nami blinked, but didn't pull away from him, but kissed him back instead

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jin finally awoke, a potion he'd drank knocked him the hell out. It was something from his former warlocks stash, he didn't expect it to do this. Finally awakening he'd rub his head and sat up.

Morganis deepened the kiss and pressed his tongue against hers.

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: Nami blushed, but continued to kiss him back

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jin walked to the dining room, craving food.

Morganis pulled back, panting softly. "Wow.."

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: She looked at him, smiling a little

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis sighed. "I love you Nami..."

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: She bit her lip, and looked down

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: morganis sighed and held her.

2010-08-17 [Sonya Blue]: She looked back at him "..."

2010-08-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled. "..."

2010-08-18 [Sonya Blue]: "Morganis...I do love you...But."

2010-08-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis sighed and looked down. He'd never looked down away from her...neve, but he knew the words she was about to say next.

2010-08-18 [Sonya Blue]: "The law's here will not allow us to go any farther than this..."

2010-08-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis nodded. "I any way around it?" he'd ask, not looking up, he didn't want her to see him crying.

2010-08-18 [Sonya Blue]: She sighed "I don't think there is...The punishment for treason is usually death. As much as I love you, I don't think I could stand the idea of my children having to grow up without their mother..."

2010-08-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis nodded. "I...I understand." he'd nod. "W...what if he leaves you?" he'd add.

2010-08-18 [Sonya Blue]: She bit her lip, she was so confused right now. "I still love him, it would break my heart..."

2010-08-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis hugged her tight, burring his face into her shoulder, crying.

2010-08-18 [Sonya Blue]: Nami hugged him back, but didn't say anything "..."

2010-08-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis sighed and looked into her eyes. "My heart beats for you." he'd whisper.

2010-08-18 [Sonya Blue]: Nami stayed silent, she looked down towards the ground

2010-08-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis cupped her chin. "I'm staying, I'm not going to go anywhere."

2010-08-18 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded, looking at him

2010-08-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis sighed softly.

Raidon saw the entire thing, he'd been watching silently. He saw the kiss, he saw the love the two held for one another, so he just snuck off to his room and lied down, lied down to think.

2010-08-18 [Sonya Blue]: "...I should go" She took a step back from him

2010-08-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis bowed to her. "Yes my queen."

2010-08-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon was back in his room lying down with his eyes closed, pretending to be asleep.

2010-08-18 [Sonya Blue]: Nami walked up the stairs, she checked on her children first, making sure they were still asleep, then she walked towards hers

2010-08-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Azhemin was asleep, sucking on his thumb and curled up with a blanket.

Raidon pretended to be asleep.

2010-08-18 [Sonya Blue]: Nami looked at Raidon when she entered the room, she'd known him a long time, and knew when he was faking sleep, but she didn't let him know she knew he was faking

2010-08-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon snored soflty.

2010-08-18 [Sonya Blue]: She sighed softly, and walked over towards the desk, she began to quietly organize the papers that were scattered all over the place

2010-08-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon watched her, keeping his eyes squinted open, staring at her beautiful figure.

2010-08-18 [Sonya Blue]: She had her back to him, still cleaning up the desk

2010-08-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon sighed, remembering a few things, he remembered jhe loved her...and he wanted her to be happy. But...breaking off their marriage would break her heart. And what he saw between her....and that slave. He saw love, he saw what he and Nami had. Rolling out of bed quietly, he walked up behind her and turned her around, lifting her up and placing her ass on the desk.

2010-08-18 [Sonya Blue]: Nami jumped, dropping some of the papers to the floor, she blinked looking at him when he sat her on the desk "..."

2010-08-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon sighed. He was half pondering making love to her right here on the desk like they first did...their first time on the very same desk. And the other half of him, wanted to tell her to go to him...

2010-08-18 [Sonya Blue]: She smiled a little and put her hands on his shoulders

2010-08-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Raidon pressed his lips against her forehead and sighed. "Go to him." he'd say pulling back. He...couldn't do it, he just..couldn't.

2010-08-18 [Sonya Blue]: she frowned "What are you talking about?"

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